PowerArchiver 2010 Professional 11.70.10
برنامج ضغط وفك ضغط الملفات برنامج PowerArchiver الحائز على جوائز كثيرة في ضغط وفك ضغط الملفات حيث يدعم الكثير من الصيغ اهمها ZIP - CAB - LHA (LZH) - TAR - TAR.GZ - TAR.BZ2 - BH - RAR - ARJ - ARC - ACE - ZOO - GZ - BZIP2 وامكانيات اخرى ينفرد بها ستجربها مع تجربة البرنامج فتخيل ان هذا البرنامج يستخدمة عشرات الملايين من المستخدمين في العالم البرنامج بحجمة الصغير وشكله الانيق والسهل يجعل المستخدم العادي يفهمة قبل المستخدم المحترف حتى.
PowerArchiver contains all the basic features you would expect from a compression program / archive utility – you can read and extract from many different formats and you can also create archives in many different formats, including 7-Zip which is one of the best compression formats currently used. What makes PowerArchiver different from many similar utilities is the wealth of advanced features it has. Simply put, PowerArchiver is one of the most innovative utilities of its kind and many features you now take for granted in a compression utility were first offered in PowerArchiver.
These include our new modern interface – licensed from Microsoft Office UI, powerful explorer shell extensions, password manager, advanced encryption support, backup features, archive converter, multiple extract tool, batch zip tool, FTP integration, powerful SFX support, ability to customize PowerArchiver look with our skinning support, as well as many other tools. PowerArchiver prides itself on its simple, smarter way of doing things throughout the whole application. Newly developed Professional versions adds even more features such as: CD/DVD/BD burning, FTP Client and many advanced backup features
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